Saturday, April 16, 2005


JCS I fell in love with this sampler. It was really meant to be rolled up and kept in a needlework basket. The designs are random and the peacock and Lamb are upside down if Adam & Eve are upright. Band samplers and letters are at right angles to the bottom. I got this one from The Scarlet Letter. It was made in Thuringia in 1707 and is now in the German Sampler Museum in Celle, Germany.

Posted by Hello

1 comment:

woolwoman said...

Anne - your JCS is just stunning - It was such a great pleasure to meet a fellow sampler enthusiast - and right under my nose here in No Florida! WHOO HOO - I know you are going to enjoy our little sampler guild group. Look forward to our getting together again soon and seeing your completed samplers. Thanks - great meeting you! Melody